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Surfkulturfestival i Sydney
Publicerad onsdag 24 mars 2010 av RedaxNyheter / Världen

Råkar du befinna dig i Sydney, Australien på nu på lördag tycker vi att du ska bege dig till Bondi och kolla in festivalen The Happening: A celebration of surf culture and community and its reach beyond the waves into the world of music, art and film - The Happening 2010 will be held in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, bringing together under one roof: Brushfire Records musicians Matt Costa, Zee Avi, Neil Halstead and Will Conner; film-makers George Greenough, Chris and Emmett Malloy – previews of 180° South and The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights – plus the exhibited works of contemporary artists from The Surf Gallery, Laguna Beach, California. liveguide.com.au
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