Intresseanmälan för Surfrider Foundation Sweden |
Denna namninsamling kommer att användas för att bevisa genuint intresse att skapa en "chapter" av Surfrider Foundation Europe. Detta är inte en bindande medlemsanmälan. Information om medlemskap kommer senare. Denna namninsamling kommer att användas för att bevisa genuint intresse att skapa en "chapter" av Surfrider Foundation Europe. Detta är inte en bindande medlemsanmälan. Information om medlemskap kommer senare. Det finns över 1000 personer registrerade på Surfsverige. Om vi lyckas att samla ihop bara en bråkdel, skulle det ge Sveriges surfare en stark identitet och validitet i politiska sammanhang. Vi är mer än idrottsmän/kvinnor - vi är havets ambassadörer. Surfrider Sweden kommer att fokusera på miljöfrågor kring havet; vattenkvalitet/föroreningar, att bevara befintliga vågor och rätt att använda dem, utbildningar om havets djur/växtliv och mycket mer… Surfrider Sweden kommer att behöva representanter från hela Sverige. Planerad uppstart med strandstädning okt 2007 Surfrider Foundation Mission Statement The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education. Surfrider Foundation Principles Represented by over 50,000 members and 60 local chapters in the U.S., the Surfrider Foundation also has affiliations in Australia, Japan, France, and Brazil. The Surfrider Foundation has adopted the following principles to guide and govern the activities of the organization . 1. SURFRIDER recognizes the biodiversity and ecological integrity of the planet's coasts are necessary and irreplaceable. SURFRIDER is committed to preserving natural living and non-living diversity and ecological integrity of the coastal environment. 2. SURFRIDER promotes the right of low-impact, free and open access to the world's waves and beaches for all people. SURFRIDER acts to preserve this right of access. 3. SURFRIDER is dedicated to enhancing wave-riding opportunities in ways which will not adversely impact nearshore ecosystems. 4. SURFRIDER believes environmental education is essential to the future health and well- being of the planet. SURFRIDER seeks to develop and utilize educational materials that are informative, factual, proactive, synergistic and fun. 5. SURFRIDER strives to be accurate and nonpartisan in its communications with its members and the general public. In addition, SURFRIDER will express the unique values inherent in wave-riding — individualism, camaraderie, non materialism, and an appreciation for human kind's historic relations with the Ocean. 6. SURFRIDER is a grassroots organization, effective through the participation of its members. SURFRIDER activities emphasize the value of an involved membership. 7. SURFRIDER encourages all commercial enterprises to adopt the Ceres Principles . Their determination to do so will favorably influence SURFRIDER's willingness to provide support. SURFRIDER will not permit sponsors to divert the Foundation from its mission or projects undertaken. 8. SURFRIDER does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin for any reason. SURFRIDER promotes the healthy enjoyment of the coastal environment for all people. 9. SURFRIDER and its representatives, affiliations and chapters agree to abide by these principles and all rules and regulations governing non-profit organizations. SURFRIDER FOUNDATION |