Jag förstår knappt att det är sant. Under veckorna som varit har det varit mkt snack om hur fel det är att outa spots i ett land med så få vågor. Nu har surfsverige gått för långt när dem outar spots på självaste startsidan. Det här är oacceptabelt för nu kommer alla Sveriges surfkooks ligga i vattnet å göra spotset till ett av världens tätbefolkade spots.
Nästa gång ni ska skriva något på startsidan får ni skriva Longboard SM någonstans i Norrland. Så får ni själva hitta spotset, för det e ju ändå det som är charmen med sporten.
Ja jag tyckte gränsen gick redan när Surfsverige började outa sveriges _ENDA_ flowrider surfsverige.se/index.php?option=content&task=view&Itemid=1&id=538 ! Fattar dom inte att det kommer vara hur mycket folk som inte har en aning om surfingens oskrivna regler som kommer droppa in och sno mina vågor?? småkooks i speedos som kommer vara en livsfara för oss lokala surfare som kommer att surfa lindvallens flowrider varenda dag efter att den invigs.
Men ge dig nu... Dom hade ju reportage i tidningarna om SM i Salusand härom året.
Och om du läser boken StormRiders Guide Europe så nämner dom några av sveriges surfspots där i med.
Flera av sveriges största surfspots (dock är dom väldigt små och få) är på så sätt redan kända världen över.
Men jag förstår mentaliteten och hur du tänker.
salusand känns ju som den kändaste spotten av alla i sverige, den har ju blivit omtalad både här och där av både hon å han.
kan man outa en flowrider? söker man på google finns den ju säkert där eftersom dem vill tjäna sina dolarer.
Feddan skrev: Men ge dig nu... Dom hade ju reportage i tidningarna om SM i Salusand härom året.
Och om du läser boken StormRiders Guide Europe så nämner dom några av sveriges surfspots där i med.
Flera av sveriges största surfspots (dock är dom väldigt små och få) är på så sätt redan kända världen över.
Men jag förstår mentaliteten och hur du tänker.
freddyo skrev: Feddan skrev: Men ge dig nu... Dom hade ju reportage i tidningarna om SM i Salusand härom året.
Och om du läser boken StormRiders Guide Europe så nämner dom några av sveriges surfspots där i med.
Flera av sveriges största surfspots (dock är dom väldigt små och få) är på så sätt redan kända världen över.
Men jag förstår mentaliteten och hur du tänker.
Shit, är inte till och med hela idén med ett forum som detta en outning i sig? Jag menar folk som inte vet att det går att surfa i Sverige kan ju ramla in här mer eller mindre av en slump och bli inspirerade, tjacka en farlig stor tung NSP av någon av de där äckliga handlarna som också sprider kunskap om surfbarheten här hemma. Sen ligger de där och förstör för oss äkta underbart älskvärda solidariska pure surfers.
Redax, jag vet att jag gjorde en storouting som fick dig på banan, men det var många år sen nu och jag var ung och naiv. Nu är jag införstådd i vad äkta medmänsklighet och surfing innebär, dvs hålla det man vet jävligt hemligt. Nu måste vi alla hjälpas åt att minimera antalet äkta surfare här hemma.
Nja, jag skulle vilja påstå att det är ett ganska misslyckat försök om det handlar om ironi.
Trådskaparen a.k.a. morotsmannen gör ett klassiskt argumentationsfel: det induktiva misstaget att utgå från en falsk analogi.
Att jämföra eller likna två företeelser som kan ha vissa likheter, varefter en felaktig slutsats görs att ytterligare samhörighet föreligger.
Lite sent att börja gnälla om Salusand, och fel att gnälla på surfsverige. Styrelsen (Martin;Lars, Perkka å co )tog medvetet valet att ordna tävlingar och sökte medvetet publicitet/sponsorer. Kritisera detta beslut ifall du tycker att Salu e crowded nuförtiden. Så länge jag bodde i Ume 2000-2005, var det nästan alltid solosurf oktober å frammåt.
Carrot skrev: Jag förstår knappt att det är sant. Under veckorna som varit har det varit mkt snack om hur fel det är att outa spots i ett land med så få vågor. Nu har surfsverige gått för långt när dem outar spots på självaste startsidan. Det här är oacceptabelt för nu kommer alla Sveriges surfkooks ligga i vattnet å göra spotset till ett av världens tätbefolkade spots.
Nästa gång ni ska skriva något på startsidan får ni skriva Longboard SM någonstans i Norrland. Så får ni själva hitta spotset, för det e ju ändå det som är charmen med sporten.
Skärpning Surfsverige!!!
MVH Salusand Soulsurfer
Jahaa varför inte bara då surfa utan o tävla då... vad tror du Rip Curl och andra sponsorer tycker om anonyma tävlingar dit ingen publik hittar???
Lite overkill denna debatt tycker jag... har ni reflekterat över någon gång vilken liten bubbla alla vi här lever i.. och vilken liten grej detta är egentligen...
SKANDAL.. Många av Surfsveriges medlemmar har gått för långt!!
Freddan, SharkBoy, Perry, Mattias K alla har skrivit
Skulle själv vilja tillägga att carrot inte har förmåga att förstå nyansskillnader.
1 Han försöker förklara crowdmotståndare som vore dom fanatiker och ser världen i svart och vitt vilket är den första lögnen.
2 Han försöker dra en billig poäng FÖR outning grundad utifrån denna lögn.
3 Det är han som inte har förstått nyansskillnaderna, eller om man så vill åtskillnaderna och är därför den person här som ser världen i svart och vitt.
tanke på hur lite folk de bor i norrland så borde outing där inte va några problem...fast crowd där uppe kanske räknas när man e mer än 1 i vattnet, möjligen 2..
Varit sin sak om de varit runt stockholm tex.
Men ja tror inte hela sveriges surfare åker till salusand för å hoppa i vattnet....
Seeing as im involved in the development of Rugby in Sweden alongside with Rugbyförbundet when I saw what Carrot wrote I couldn't help but laugh. A key principle in surfing, if not any sport for that matter is about sharing the experience with others. Whether ur sitting at one of Sweden's few surf spots with 3' mush or sitting chilling alone at Jbay all day long with perfect 6' barrels it still isn't gonna be as fun as sharing those barrels with your mates. At the end of the day you wanna be able to compare rides, give help and advice instead of sitting like a loner. That's KEY in Swedens situation where surfing is such a small and unknown sportcompared to the rest of the world. Rather have surfsverige post it on their homepage than have it posted on Sportbladet or wtf it's called. The sport needs more people in order for it to grow and to progress, as does any sport. If you guys just wanna sit all alone with your stenstrand breaks building up localism then you seriously need to rethink why you even doing the sport and where you personally wanna go with surfing an lastly where u want it to go in Sweden.
I disagree with Carrot but don't agree with you on some points frozen african. Surfing to me is not a sport, I don't feel or see any need whatsovere to raise performance levels or to organize contests. Prosurfing and competitionhas hepled develop surfboard design for the averidge joe since the 70's but ask yourself, why the need for media exposure or contests? The only reasonable excuse would be to save a spot like mölle thats under threat etc. im my opinion. who gives who wins the euro or swedish cahmpionship?!
Don't get me wrong I love surfing with a few mates but get just as much enjoyment from midvinter solosessions, but that's just me I guess. Surfing doesen't have to be performance/ego orientated "se that" "look at me" etc. I think you can develop and push your surfing without competition.But I agree that having your mates give you feedback/video can be a big help. For example switching from athruster and riding a discplacement hull jsut for the feeling, not busting the fins out etc can be refreshing and just as rewarding.
frozen_african skrev: Seeing as im involved in the development of Rugby in Sweden alongside with Rugbyförbundet when I saw what Carrot wrote I couldn't help but laugh. A key principle in surfing, if not any sport for that matter is about sharing the experience with others. Whether ur sitting at one of Sweden's few surf spots with 3' mush or sitting chilling alone at Jbay all day long with perfect 6' barrels it still isn't gonna be as fun as sharing those barrels with your mates. At the end of the day you wanna be able to compare rides, give help and advice instead of sitting like a loner. That's KEY in Swedens situation where surfing is such a small and unknown sportcompared to the rest of the world. Rather have surfsverige post it on their homepage than have it posted on Sportbladet or wtf it's called. The sport needs more people in order for it to grow and to progress, as does any sport. If you guys just wanna sit all alone with your stenstrand breaks building up localism then you seriously need to rethink why you even doing the sport and where you personally wanna go with surfing an lastly where u want it to go in Sweden.
i think you are confusing secret spots and localism. It's becoming the same tired argument and this old grump is getting tired of repeating himself (largely because the counterargument doesn't consist of any points that haven't already been challenged).
But it is real simple. There is a difference between sharing and exploiting.
Most of the secret spots are shared by a group of friends. By outing them on the internet, they are getting exploited. Pretty simple difference, no?
Some spots can get saved by a crowd (ie Mölle) others can get ruined (ie, i've seen quite a few)
It's not all black and white. The point is basically that if the local surfers that regularly surf a spot and you know where it is and they don't want it to get exploited on the net, don't name it.
IF the local surfers want to hold a contest at their break and welcome other surfers there, then let them
There are too many stupid assumptions that go on around this secret spot thing.
1 is that people who want to keep a spot quiet on the net are doing the same thing as localism. A lot of secret spots have very friendly vibes in the water, and you know why? because they aren't crowded. I don't know of one spot or case where a fellow surfer has been denied the right to surf a spot they found. It just doesn't happen except for in the minds of those that come with these baseless assumptions.
2 That to 'outa' is tellng anyone. Most people will take a friend or someone they trust to a break. It's the flood of information on the net that is the bigger problem. A lot of spots are known to a big group, which is why some people don't consider them a secret spot, but that crowd could become tenfold if it shows up on the net.
So basically, it comes down to, if you surf a spot where the local crew wants it quiet. Then respect that. They put in the work to find the place, and that work is worth something. Putting out the info on the internet cheapens that.
The last and most irritating assumptions are that crowds aren't a problem in sweden
I say they are, more so than elsewhere because:
1 this IS a wave starved country. Few days of surf and short windows means everyone wants to surf it during that short window of opportunity. In other words, the crowd can't spread out during the day.
2 a lot of the breaks aren't at long beachbreaks with lots of peaks. Many are at small points and reefs that are very sensitive to crowds. I have a break I regularly surf that is crowded with 5 competent surfers.
3 This is a wave starved country, and the people who surf here are hungry AND not always so knowledgeable about the appropriate etiquette.
4 Crowds have other consequences. You drop in on a surfer and that surfer might have to go straight and into rocks. That means dinged boards and/or dinged bodies, which would could certainly escalate the response you'd get from that person you dropped in on.
5 Fewer surf breaks than you'd think. there are a lot of breaks and more being discovered, but proximity and swell direction limits when they work, often times, it's only a certain area that could work on a certain direction.
6 Inconsistency, few waves over the year but sometimes few waves during a sesh increase the sensitivity to crowds, especially at breaks where the waves have to bend to get in.
Oh yeah, i love the way people went aggro over the advertising of a benificial event and yet from their own homepage; salusandsoulsurfers.se/iframe-info.htm
frozen_african skrev: Oh yeah, i love the way people went aggro over the advertising of a benificial event and yet from their own homepage; salusandsoulsurfers.se/iframe-info.htm
i am pretty sure it was sarcasm there in the first post.
But based on a false premise was what made it the topic of discussion
SharkBoy skrev: frozen_african skrev: Seeing as im involved in the development of Rugby in Sweden alongside with Rugbyförbundet when I saw what Carrot wrote I couldn't help but laugh. A key principle in surfing, if not any sport for that matter is about sharing the experience with others. Whether ur sitting at one of Sweden's few surf spots with 3' mush or sitting chilling alone at Jbay all day long with perfect 6' barrels it still isn't gonna be as fun as sharing those barrels with your mates. At the end of the day you wanna be able to compare rides, give help and advice instead of sitting like a loner. That's KEY in Swedens situation where surfing is such a small and unknown sportcompared to the rest of the world. Rather have surfsverige post it on their homepage than have it posted on Sportbladet or wtf it's called. The sport needs more people in order for it to grow and to progress, as does any sport. If you guys just wanna sit all alone with your stenstrand breaks building up localism then you seriously need to rethink why you even doing the sport and where you personally wanna go with surfing an lastly where u want it to go in Sweden.
i think you are confusing secret spots and localism. It's becoming the same tired argument and this old grump is getting tired of repeating himself (largely because the counterargument doesn't consist of any points that haven't already been challenged).
But it is real simple. There is a difference between sharing and exploiting.
Most of the secret spots are shared by a group of friends. By outing them on the internet, they are getting exploited. Pretty simple difference, no?
Some spots can get saved by a crowd (ie Mölle) others can get ruined (ie, i've seen quite a few)
It's not all black and white. The point is basically that if the local surfers that regularly surf a spot and you know where it is and they don't want it to get exploited on the net, don't name it.
IF the local surfers want to hold a contest at their break and welcome other surfers there, then let them
There are too many stupid assumptions that go on around this secret spot thing.
1 is that people who want to keep a spot quiet on the net are doing the same thing as localism. A lot of secret spots have very friendly vibes in the water, and you know why? because they aren't crowded. I don't know of one spot or case where a fellow surfer has been denied the right to surf a spot they found. It just doesn't happen except for in the minds of those that come with these baseless assumptions.
2 That to 'outa' is tellng anyone. Most people will take a friend or someone they trust to a break. It's the flood of information on the net that is the bigger problem. A lot of spots are known to a big group, which is why some people don't consider them a secret spot, but that crowd could become tenfold if it shows up on the net.
So basically, it comes down to, if you surf a spot where the local crew wants it quiet. Then respect that. They put in the work to find the place, and that work is worth something. Putting out the info on the internet cheapens that.
The last and most irritating assumptions are that crowds aren't a problem in sweden
I say they are, more so than elsewhere because:
1 this IS a wave starved country. Few days of surf and short windows means everyone wants to surf it during that short window of opportunity. In other words, the crowd can't spread out during the day.
2 a lot of the breaks aren't at long beachbreaks with lots of peaks. Many are at small points and reefs that are very sensitive to crowds. I have a break I regularly surf that is crowded with 5 competent surfers.
3 This is a wave starved country, and the people who surf here are hungry AND not always so knowledgeable about the appropriate etiquette.
4 Crowds have other consequences. You drop in on a surfer and that surfer might have to go straight and into rocks. That means dinged boards and/or dinged bodies, which would could certainly escalate the response you'd get from that person you dropped in on.
5 Fewer surf breaks than you'd think. there are a lot of breaks and more being discovered, but proximity and swell direction limits when they work, often times, it's only a certain area that could work on a certain direction.
6 Inconsistency, few waves over the year but sometimes few waves during a sesh increase the sensitivity to crowds, especially at breaks where the waves have to bend to get in.
I agree with sharkboy 100%, I think Martin, Lars and Perka should have taken all this into consideration when they organized the first event. Who has the right to "out" a spot. None of the above surfed the spot year round at the time and we were all aware of the circus that had developed at Törö. We where a handfull of dedicated stoked guys, I really don't think all of us rely understood how good this spot was/is in comparison to other spots in Sweden. I thought we had the perfect setup, why expose it more? I'm not aggro now, I was disapointed back then, but who are you Carrot ? And where were you when they made the decison to run the first event?!
Hope the guys are having a great party and that you get some surf tomorrow.
östanpåbull skrev: SharkBoy skrev: frozen_african skrev: Seeing as im involved in the development of Rugby in Sweden alongside with Rugbyförbundet when I saw what Carrot wrote I couldn't help but laugh. A key principle in surfing, if not any sport for that matter is about sharing the experience with others. Whether ur sitting at one of Sweden's few surf spots with 3' mush or sitting chilling alone at Jbay all day long with perfect 6' barrels it still isn't gonna be as fun as sharing those barrels with your mates. At the end of the day you wanna be able to compare rides, give help and advice instead of sitting like a loner. That's KEY in Swedens situation where surfing is such a small and unknown sportcompared to the rest of the world. Rather have surfsverige post it on their homepage than have it posted on Sportbladet or wtf it's called. The sport needs more people in order for it to grow and to progress, as does any sport. If you guys just wanna sit all alone with your stenstrand breaks building up localism then you seriously need to rethink why you even doing the sport and where you personally wanna go with surfing an lastly where u want it to go in Sweden.
i think you are confusing secret spots and localism. It's becoming the same tired argument and this old grump is getting tired of repeating himself (largely because the counterargument doesn't consist of any points that haven't already been challenged).
But it is real simple. There is a difference between sharing and exploiting.
Most of the secret spots are shared by a group of friends. By outing them on the internet, they are getting exploited. Pretty simple difference, no?
Some spots can get saved by a crowd (ie Mölle) others can get ruined (ie, i've seen quite a few)
It's not all black and white. The point is basically that if the local surfers that regularly surf a spot and you know where it is and they don't want it to get exploited on the net, don't name it.
IF the local surfers want to hold a contest at their break and welcome other surfers there, then let them
There are too many stupid assumptions that go on around this secret spot thing.
1 is that people who want to keep a spot quiet on the net are doing the same thing as localism. A lot of secret spots have very friendly vibes in the water, and you know why? because they aren't crowded. I don't know of one spot or case where a fellow surfer has been denied the right to surf a spot they found. It just doesn't happen except for in the minds of those that come with these baseless assumptions.
2 That to 'outa' is tellng anyone. Most people will take a friend or someone they trust to a break. It's the flood of information on the net that is the bigger problem. A lot of spots are known to a big group, which is why some people don't consider them a secret spot, but that crowd could become tenfold if it shows up on the net.
So basically, it comes down to, if you surf a spot where the local crew wants it quiet. Then respect that. They put in the work to find the place, and that work is worth something. Putting out the info on the internet cheapens that.
The last and most irritating assumptions are that crowds aren't a problem in sweden
I say they are, more so than elsewhere because:
1 this IS a wave starved country. Few days of surf and short windows means everyone wants to surf it during that short window of opportunity. In other words, the crowd can't spread out during the day.
2 a lot of the breaks aren't at long beachbreaks with lots of peaks. Many are at small points and reefs that are very sensitive to crowds. I have a break I regularly surf that is crowded with 5 competent surfers.
3 This is a wave starved country, and the people who surf here are hungry AND not always so knowledgeable about the appropriate etiquette.
4 Crowds have other consequences. You drop in on a surfer and that surfer might have to go straight and into rocks. That means dinged boards and/or dinged bodies, which would could certainly escalate the response you'd get from that person you dropped in on.
5 Fewer surf breaks than you'd think. there are a lot of breaks and more being discovered, but proximity and swell direction limits when they work, often times, it's only a certain area that could work on a certain direction.
6 Inconsistency, few waves over the year but sometimes few waves during a sesh increase the sensitivity to crowds, especially at breaks where the waves have to bend to get in.
I agree with sharkboy 100%, I think Martin, Lars and Perka should have taken all this into consideration when they organized the first event. Who has the right to "out" a spot. None of the above surfed the spot year round at the time and we were all aware of the circus that had developed at Törö. We where a handfull of dedicated stoked guys, I really don't think all of us rely understood how good this spot was/is in comparison to other spots in Sweden. I thought we had the perfect setup, why expose it more? I'm not aggro now, I was disapointed back then, but who are you Carrot ? And where were you when they made the decison to run the first event?!
Hope the guys are having a great party and that you get some surf tomorrow.
Good question. 6 surfers who surf the spot on a reguilar basis, three want exposure in media and want to hold events at the spot. the other three want to keep it low profile and couldn't care less about competiion and sponsors. what to do? There is no rule book, regarding this but considering the points Sharboy posted, give me a good reason to out a spot in the first place? Striving to get your picture in the local newspaper or on the net seems to me to be a way of shining your ego. Or maybe its just a sign of insecurity regarding you and your surfing.
Like I said I've moved on, but I'm facing the same issues again on spots here in Finland that took me a long time to find and get wired. If you where to ask me the same question regarding these spots I say I think the guy who has put in all the work in the first place should have the final say.
Carrot skrev: Jag förstår knappt att det är sant. Under veckorna som varit har det varit mkt snack om hur fel det är att outa spots i ett land med så få vågor. Nu har surfsverige gått för långt när dem outar spots på självaste startsidan. Det här är oacceptabelt för nu kommer alla Sveriges surfkooks ligga i vattnet å göra spotset till ett av världens tätbefolkade spots.
Nästa gång ni ska skriva något på startsidan får ni skriva Longboard SM någonstans i Norrland. Så får ni själva hitta spotset, för det e ju ändå det som är charmen med sporten.
Skoj hur ett ämne kan ältas sååååå mycket och så likt om och om igen. Min post ovan var ju extremt seriöst menad - eller hur!?
Sharboy inleder med att han är trött på diskussionen och inte orkar upprepa sig, ändå kan han inte låta bli - starkt! eller svagt? Inte menat att peka ut just dig nu, utan bara ett exempel.
Jag skriver detta, fast jag tycker allt vettigt - och otroligt mycket ovettigt - redan är sagt...
Det enda jag tycker aldrig kan upprepas för mycket är att på vattnet är det sällan problem, i vart fall inte där jag surfar. 100% stoke, alla ler och delar med sig. Läser man trådarna här får man ju en bild av att det var tvärt om, dvs massa sura idioter som slår varandra på käften och skär sönder däck.
Visst har jag hört att det kan vara annorlunda, t ex i skåne där tyskar, danskar, 08-or med flera trängs på tighta line-ups, men de är väl ändå undantag.
frozen_african skrev: Oh yeah, i love the way people went aggro over the advertising of a benificial event and yet from their own homepage; salusandsoulsurfers.se/iframe-info.htm
This thread is over your brain capacity, or maybe you are just belonging to the generation that doesnt get ironi at all.
Then keep out of the discussion o not to make a fool out of yourself BOY!
sverre skrev: frozen_african skrev: Oh yeah, i love the way people went aggro over the advertising of a benificial event and yet from their own homepage; salusandsoulsurfers.se/iframe-info.htm
This thread is over your brain capacity, or maybe you are just belonging to the generation that doesnt get ironi at all.
Then keep out of the discussion o not to make a fool out of yourself BOY!
sverre skrev: frozen_african skrev: Oh yeah, i love the way people went aggro over the advertising of a benificial event and yet from their own homepage; salusandsoulsurfers.se/iframe-info.htm
This thread is over your brain capacity, or maybe you are just belonging to the generation that doesnt get ironi at all.
Then keep out of the discussion o not to make a fool out of yourself BOY!
Tar tillbaka " over your brain capacity " eftersom jag inte kan stå för det vid närmare eftertanke. Of course thats not the case, but I became kind of upset when you missunderstood everything in this thread.
sverre skrev: frozen_african skrev: Oh yeah, i love the way people went aggro over the advertising of a benificial event and yet from their own homepage; salusandsoulsurfers.se/iframe-info.htm
This thread is over your brain capacity, or maybe you are just belonging to the generation that doesnt get ironi at all.
Then keep out of the discussion o not to make a fool out of yourself BOY!
Excuse me for not being able to recognize irony in a WRITTEN TEXT which is set in a foreign language to me. I was just giving my personal opinion which is why I havent replied to any serious remarks given by other members. Note serious remarks btw. Take personal comments some where else.
1 haha, fan vad gött, jag har första parkett på denna bilden, hehe
2 oj kamera, måste le
3 nej inte foto, jag har inget smink
4 jag är så liten att jag nästan inte syns
5 fan får inte plats att sitta, jävla småbrudar att ta plats, man kan ju inte fräsa åt dom heller.
6 fan skulle ha varit hemma istället och kollat i min nya Porrtidning
7 rasta faraj måste röka snart innan jag börjar skaka
8 metangas
1 undra verkligen om hela mitt hövve kommer med på den här bilden?
2 nej närbild, måste titta bort
3 hohoho oj vad skojigt att plaska i en badtunna :-D
4 -------- ----- --- surf ----- hm--------- alfa vågor
5 fan jag vill också ha godis
6 mm, sån jääävla munshies jag fick!