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Mctavish fireball, någon som har provat?
#63836 Mctavish fireball, någon som har provat? 15 år, 2 månader sen Stoke: 14

Inlägg: 1006

Jag undrar om det är någon här inne som har kört på Mctavish fireball. Jag sitter och tittar på lite olika versioner av samma bräda. den vanliga fireball, fireball evolution och på fireball evolution SLX. Har ni några funderingar över dem och lite bra info så hade det varit trevligt.

Ha det gott

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#63844 Svar: Mctavish fireball, någon som har provat? 15 år, 2 månader sen Stoke: 15

Inlägg: 1509

Du borde snacka med Tony, tycker alltid han kutar omkring med lite olika McTavish brädor under armen. Är du i Ystad nu?
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#64647 Svar: Mctavish fireball, någon som har provat? 15 år, 2 månader sen Stoke: 0

Inlägg: 15

hey,i know this a late response to this but i just joined....i have two fireballs and a razor at home(my bro was sponsered by bob for many years)and i ride predominately retro or longboards so i know them well.be aware that the models you are talking about are no longer designed by bob mc tavish or his son ben but are profiled at the surf industries factory in thailand.these are ok boards but are nowhere near as good as the handshapes out there.there is also very little resale value in europe,or oz for that matter as no one wants to buy high production boards.i had this conversation with vince @ more or less in france and also with the editor of pacific longboarding in oz(i write for them occasionally)
in the end i guess its up to you but for the same coin there are better hand shapes out there.
all the best.
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#64744 Svar: Mctavish fireball, någon som har provat? 15 år, 2 månader sen Stoke: 14

Inlägg: 1006

kiwi skrev:
hey,i know this a late response to this but i just joined....i have two fireballs and a razor at home(my bro was sponsered by bob for many years)and i ride predominately retro or longboards so i know them well.be aware that the models you are talking about are no longer designed by bob mc tavish or his son ben but are profiled at the surf industries factory in thailand.these are ok boards but are nowhere near as good as the handshapes out there.there is also very little resale value in europe,or oz for that matter as no one wants to buy high production boards.i had this conversation with vince @ more or less in france and also with the editor of pacific longboarding in oz(i write for them occasionally)
in the end i guess its up to you but for the same coin there are better hand shapes out there.
all the best.

Thank you for the response Kiwi. im picking up my new fireball this weekend:)
i talked to a bunch of people and from what they told me, this board will probably fit me just fine.
To bad they aren't handmade by the original shapers anymore, but what the hell. going for it and hope i wont be dissapointedB)

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