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Strandstädning i Varberg
#59546 Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 72

Inlägg: 2926

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#59576 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: -10

alex el gordo
Inlägg: 1125

Konstigt val av stränder må jag säga... Dessa stränder, utom Läjet, är ju helt ägda av kommun eller privat som verkligen har börjat ta betalt och dessutom gör ombyggnader utan att fråga de som verkligen uppskattar de stränderna erbjuder. Den gamla parkeringen som tidigare var vindsurfarnas tillflykt har blivit betalcamping. Tycker att de själva borde göra lite åt renhållningen. På gränsen till fult att lura frivilligorganisationer att göra jobbet åt dom samtidigt som de sitter och räknar pengar.

Åk till ÅSA eller ta er längre söderut. Sydväst är full av stränder som få bryr sig om att sköta men som säkerligen är viktiga områden för fågel, säl och oss surfare.

Summa sumarum. Ska man hjälpa moder natur så ska man väl göra det där det behövs mest, inte där ekonomiska intressen har mest att vinna.
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#59579 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 4

Inlägg: 306

Eller så behöver man göra det där det uppmärksammas mest...

Det är på gott och ont en hel del poltitik i sådant här oxå.

Världen är ett cyniskt ställe.

Jag kommer vara på plats! För Moder Natur...
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#60002 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen  


(CNN) -- "You can't leave the ocean to take care of itself," says a surfer interviewed in the remarkable film "Hawaii: Message in the Waves".

Towns and cities across the world are banning plastic bags to try and reduce waste.

"One of the saddest signs of the times for me is seeing what the dolphins are playing with."

The toys that she is talking about are the detritus of our consumer society; the plastic bags, briefly used, thrown away and now clogging up our oceans.

Across the world more than 13 billion bags are issued every year to shoppers -- that's about 220 per person. On average they are used for 12 minutes before being discarded, but then they remain in the environment for thousands of years.

In Hawaii, due to the action of tides and currents, the bags congregate in the coastal waters, and "Message in the Waves" shows the horrendous consequences of our throwaway culture for the wildlife -- the turtles, sea birds, whales and dolphins tangled up and choking on the trash we throw away.

The world awash with plastic bags

Environment California estimate that plastic bags kill up to one million sea creatures every year, and the British Antarctic Survey have found them floating far north of the Arctic Circle, and as far south as the Falkland Islands.

In June 2006 a United Nations Environmental Program report estimated that there is an average of 46,000 pieces of plastic debris in every square mile of ocean.

There is an area of the Pacific the size of Texas known as the "trash vortex" or "plastic soup" where gyrating currents hold an estimated six kilos of plastic for every kilo of plankton, according to Greenpeace.

In April 2002 a dead minke whale was washed up on the coast of Normandy, France, with nearly a kilogram of plastic bags in her stomach that she had mistaken for food. The plastic also acts as a chemical sponge absorbing some of the worst pollutants in the sea and increasing its toxicity when swallowed.

For "Message in the Waves" filmmaker Rebecca Hosking, seeing the damage the bags cause was a life-changing experience. "What really brought it home for me was one day filming a turtle," she says.

"It had a plastic bag in its mouth and was slowly dying, there was nothing we could do... I turned the camera off and just broke down crying."

She was compelled to take action. Once back home in Modbury, South Devon, Hosking set about ridding her town of the bags, determined that it would no longer contribute to the crisis.

Wherever she went, people immediately committed to changing their ways. Through a campaign of talks and film screenings she persuaded all of the 34 shops in the town to substitute plastic bags with reusable cloth bags.

Across Britain her initiative has struck a chord, and now over 80 other towns have followed her lead and introduced their own schemes to cut down on plastic bags.

A normally conservative British newspaper, The Daily Mail, launched its own Ban the Bag campaign against what it called "the plastic poison", offering readers free reusable bags as well as resources and wall charts for their children's schools. Suddenly, bags were being seen as antisocial.

A survey by London councils revealed that over 90 percent of Londoners wanted a ban, or would support a 30 cents charge on every bag.

But it isn't just people in the UK who are getting involved in the backlash against plastic bags -- all around the globe people power has started to make real change.

Now towns in Canada, Australia, the U.S. and Europe are considering bans or other measures. In Ireland plastic bags have been taxed since 2002, a scheme that is estimated to have cut consumption by 90 percent.

In France, reusable bags now account for half of the market, and San Francisco has become the first U.S. city to adopt a ban on disposable bags. Los Angeles has pledged to phase in a ban by 2012.

Oil prices putting the squeeze on bags

But in many ways it is the developing world that has been leading the way.

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All about: Recycling plastics
Eco Solutions
Speical report: Oil prices
It was Dhaka, in Bangladesh, that was the first city to ban the bags in 2002 after so many were discarded that they began clogging up drains and causing floods during the Monsoon.

There are also campaigns in Rwanda, Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, western India, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa.

On July 1 China banned the thinnest 0.025mm bags, threatening retailers with a fine of up to 10,000 Yuan ($1460) if they broke the rules.

Of course, the Chinese authorities are worried about the effect the 1.6 billion bags discarded each year are having on the environment -- but there is also another worry: oil.

Even where environmental issues fail to convince retailers and legislators, it seems that price may soon persuade them to abandon free plastic bags.

Just as the hike in the price of crude is already making people around the world drive less, it may soon also make it simply unaffordable to give away bags.

Plastic is made from oil and its price rises in tandem. The USA's biggest plastic manufacturer, Dow Chemical, announced price rises of up to 20 per cent in May this year, and many other companies around the world have followed, some complaining that the cost of raw materials has more than doubled.

Much has been made of alternatives to plastic, but bags made from corn starch come with their own environmental issues. Although they are biodegradable, it may take many years for them to fully rot.

They are also often made from GM corn, particularly in the U.S., and there is also the issue of using valuable agricultural land to grow materials to make a product, which is typically only briefly used, at a time of rocketing food prices.

In the end complex solutions may be missing the point. The best solution -- both for the environment and our wallets -- may actually be the simplest: to rely on our rucksacks, cloth bags and reusable plastic carriers to take our purchases home.
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#60009 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 12

Inlägg: 262

Kolla gärna Surfrider kampanj:

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#60640 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 25

Inlägg: 675

Nån som ska till Kåsa?
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#60644 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 12

Inlägg: 262

I'll be there.
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#60783 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 0

Inlägg: 489

Hur gick det igår? Var tyvärr på jobbet så jag kunde inte hjälpa till. Får se till att plocka med mig lite skräp nästa gång jag surfar Kåsa.
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#60793 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: -234

Inlägg: 7762

Jake skrev:
Hur gick det igår? Var tyvärr på jobbet så jag kunde inte hjälpa till. Får se till att plocka med mig lite skräp nästa gång jag surfar Kåsa.

Jo.... men.... nu är det ju inget skräp kvar ju ....
Jag får väl se till att lämna lite till dig nästa gång jag surfar Kåsa...
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#60798 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 0

Inlägg: 489

Gör så men jag tror nog havet kommer mata stranden snart igen...

När jag var i Kåsa i veckan fick jag en systemetkasse i leashen... men den var tom..
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#60801 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: -234

Inlägg: 7762

Jake skrev:
Gör så men jag tror nog havet kommer mata stranden snart igen...

När jag var i Kåsa i veckan fick jag en systemetkasse i leashen... men den var tom..

aha, då måste havet ha varit FULL-tide mouhahahaha
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#60802 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 5

Inlägg: 432

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#60803 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 6

Inlägg: 197

Jake skrev:
Hur gick det igår? Var tyvärr på jobbet så jag kunde inte hjälpa till. Får se till att plocka med mig lite skräp nästa gång jag surfar Kåsa.

Vi var fyra pers i Kåsa. Bättre uppslutning i Apelviken och Läjet men vet inte hur många totalt.
Vi fick ihop en hel del skräp iaf
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#60852 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 0

Inlägg: 489

Hira skrev:
Jake skrev:
Hur gick det igår? Var tyvärr på jobbet så jag kunde inte hjälpa till. Får se till att plocka med mig lite skräp nästa gång jag surfar Kåsa.

Vi var fyra pers i Kåsa. Bättre uppslutning i Apelviken och Läjet men vet inte hur många totalt.
Vi fick ihop en hel del skräp iaf

Well done!
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#60880 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 4

Inlägg: 306

7 vuxna och 5 barn i Apelviken.

Tack alla!

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#60889 Svar: Strandstädning i Varberg 15 år, 5 månader sen Stoke: 12

Inlägg: 262

Ett 20-tal personer hjälpte till att städa samtliga stränder. Barn, engagerad locals, nyböjare, en surf-stoked familj från Nicaragua, en kvinna som hade ingenting med surfing att göra, bara älskade havet.
Ganska dålig uppslutning tycker vi. Undrar varför? Brist på information? Det fanns på varje surfrelaterat websajt i god tid. Tack Redax! Information var även med i tidningar t.ex. GP bilagan Varberg för att locka fram icke-surfare.

Vädret var fint i alla fall. så många kitare var ut på havet. De flesta hade ingen åning om städningen ändå.

Trots dålig uppslutning, lyckades vi samlar ihop ganska många soppåsar fullt med skräp.
En stor del, ca 65% av upplockade skräp var plast förpackningar. 9% var metall, mest öl burkar och engångsgrillar. Andra objekt som hittades på strändera var skor, rep, och även en spruta!

Ett stort tack till alla deltagare! Hoppas att flera vill stödja oss i framtiden.
stay stoked, Matt

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