Don't let your abilities let you down man. Surfing is sometimes like playing a guitar.. Some days you're on fire and playing new stuff and got the drive.. other days you can't seem to get the chords together or your solo's just straight up suck. I think a lot of it is psychological. You might think, "Shit man, I hope this surf doesn't suck like the last time!" and sure enough, your take off's are slow and clumbsy, you can't make the sections, and you ultimately just kook out..
What you need to do is just find some quiet time.. sit and watch the waves a bit.. then head back to the car and listen to something that makes you feel good. When you paddle out, just relax.. take things slow. Take off and just get up mellow and feel out the waves. It's not always your fault that you can't perform.. the waves just might not have enough juice. Focus on the wave and not what you want to do to it. Once you feel you're back in the rhythem, you'll ignite. We all go through this lag. I hope you get over it before Juli.
I hope this helps you like it helps me.