#54022 |
Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
Sharkboys syn på de senaste trenderna inom bräddesign och surf, tolkade enligt hans personliga erfarenheter. Har du frågor kring teknik, utrustning eller etikett, lägg dem här
BOS sharing åsikter since 2007
#54023 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
åsikter som skrivits på denna tråd är sharkboys personliga syn inom surf och speglar inte nödvändigtvis den ultimata sanningen i ämnet, men det är bra nära...
#54026 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 2 |
Fint intiativ Sharkboy!
Vad anser du om SUP?
#54027 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 11 |
Inlägg: 1862
Webber's going for the deep double-concave, or vee, on their boards. What's your take on the deep vee? Is it something that could work well in Swedens usually choppy waves? The vee slicing through the chop giving a smoother ride. And do you think it could quicken the roll for the rail-to-rail type of surfing. Is the vee something that could work well with todays modern fish designs?
#54028 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
Castorn skrev:
Fint intiativ Sharkboy!
Vad anser du om SUP?
för att vara helt ärlig så anser jag dem som lite onödvändigt. Lite som en SUV bil när man bor i innerstan av en stor stan. Visst ser det häftigt ut ifrån distans, men den är rätt svårt att få plats med i tätta luckor.
Det är säkert bra träning på platta dagar. Jag skulle gott kunna tänka mig att ha en själv för fin väder vår dagar och för att reka ut i skärgården med.
MEN, jag skulle aldrig paddla en sån i ett ställa där andra surfar över huvudtaget.
Dessutom, så tycker jag om man måste gå till en större bräda, så räcker det med longboard.
thanks for your question!
#54029 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 5 |
sharky när får ja mitt paket från hollywood ja beställde i början av veckan?
eller du jobbar inte kvar där?
#54030 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
Willy skrev:
Webber's going for the deep double-concave, or vee, on their boards. What's your take on the deep vee? Is it something that could work well in Swedens usually choppy waves? The vee slicing through the chop giving a smoother ride. And do you think it could quicken the roll for the rail-to-rail type of surfing. Is the vee something that could work well with todays modern fish designs?
I haven't tried his design of the deep double-concave so I can't really say to be honest.
But I can say this, vee is the opposite of concave. Concave makes a board nice and lively by keeping the stringer rocker straight but allowing curve along the rail as well. It also has bite! So you have a combination of liveliness and bite! How great is that?! Most of the WCT pros use a single whenever the waves are good on the tour, especially at the pointbreaks. They have a nice free feel when flat, they are fast to respond and they hold well on rail.
Now the problems with the single is that it gets tracky (meaning it likes to stick to the turn it's in and it can be difficult to go rail to rail) The pros often negate this by using narrow boards.
Over 19" wide and you can have some serious trackiness.
Single to double concave has been the normal way to solve this problem ,because it creates a vee between the doubles and still has the liveliness off the front foot.
Now, vee is usually a pretty dull design because it creates a non-planing effect. But! putting it in wide boards, which plane naturally, keep the board from being too hard to get from rail to rail. Sometimes you might want to sit 'in' the wave more then above it. Especially in choppy conditions (note : even the pros get some vee in their boards for big/offshore Sunset or JBay)
So to answer your question Willy, it could be a good thing for swedish waves if you fiind yourself getting bounced off of them like a bull in a rodeo rather often. In this scenario, vee could most certainly help. Especially on the biggest and windiest (not those) days here in sweden. Those days are actually quite tricky to ride with small sensitive equipment.
That scenario however, is not to be confused with catching an edge in chop though! That can simply be negated with a soft forward rail, or better forward rocker. I am talking about the days when you get to your feet, and then, what happened, where the wave, just sort of bucks you off, before you even got your rail in.
Personally, I love the single concave in my shortboards, and in my smaller grovelly boards, I find single to double works fine. The only days I would want a little vee is those huge 20+ onshore days when the wave isn't very steep but tall.
Also, if you have a board that is over 21" wide, then a little vee might help, (i still think double concave would be better since you are only surfing down the line on boards like that anywasy)
#54031 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
freddan skrev:
sharky när får ja mitt paket från hollywood ja beställde i början av veckan?
eller du jobbar inte kvar där?
I don't work there and haven't for some time, did you order from a store or from the webshop? Try calling 031- 701 74 70 for more information,
#54032 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 5 |
#54036 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 11 |
Inlägg: 1862
Thanks Sharkboy!
Okay, I thought the double concave was vee. Is it defined as vee when it's really pronounced or is it when it runs deeper than the rails (and kinda looks like a miniture keel)?
#54037 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 11 |
Inlägg: 1862
Maybe I've got this vee-thing all confused. But from back in the day when I used to windsurf vee was a very pronounced double concave. If you laid the board flat it would rest and tilt on the stringer, is this the same thing iwith surfboards?
#54040 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
a vee looks like what it sounds like, a bottom like this V whereas a double concave is two concaves on each side of the stringer, this creates sort of a v in the middle, but usually a vee is typically referred to when the stringer is lower than the rails.
#54041 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 11 |
Inlägg: 1862
SharkBoy skrev:
a vee looks like what it sounds like, a bottom like this V whereas a double concave is two concaves on each side of the stringer, this creates sort of a v in the middle, but usually a vee is typically referred to when the stringer is lower than the rails.
Cool, then I wasn't too confused after all! Thanks for your clarification!
#54042 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 0 |
vad tyckte du om Backdoor`s flyer?? jag har köpt en fast med lite andra mått och lite tunnare i tailen.
#54043 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 63 |
Inlägg: 2399
Willy skrev:
Maybe I've got this vee-thing all confused. But from back in the day when I used to windsurf vee was a very pronounced double concave. If you laid the board flat it would rest and tilt on the stringer, is this the same thing iwith surfboards?
Man kan ha konkaver även i en v botten, det kallas spiral-v eller spiralkonkaver eller helixkonkaver eller vad man nu önskar kalla det. V-ets plana ytor är då urgröpta givetvis.
#54044 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
JohanBTZ skrev:
vad tyckte du om Backdoor`s flyer?? jag har köpt en fast med lite andra mått och lite tunnare i tailen.
i liked mine but would order min med en tunnare tail också
#54045 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
sharkboy, om du hade vägt 30 kilo mer än du väger i dag. vad hade du ändrat på din "sverigebräda"?
mått mm...
#54046 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
och din utlandsbräda.....
#54048 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
plåtslagarn skrev:
sharkboy, om du hade vägt 30 kilo mer än du väger i dag. vad hade du ändrat på din "sverigebräda"?
mått mm...
being the same height/weight as I am now? that would make me 107 kilos!
I'd probably get an SUP, ( that was a joke.)
30 kilo är ett rätt stor skillnad. Miin sverige bräda skulle nog ändras rätt mycket. Större surfare behöver mycket mer volym per kilo än mindre, i alla fall för mindre vågor.
Just nu vid 77 kilo, är min shortboard (utlandshortboard) 6'0" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/4", skulle jag lägga på 10 kilo skulle jag lägg en hel tum i bräden på min 6'0" och 1/8" - 1/4" på tjockleken. Vid 30 Kilos mer så skulle inte tre tum extra i bredden funka speciellt bra för mig. Jag skulle säkert kör lite längre också. Jag gissar på typ 6'3" x 20" x 2.5 i ett Al Merrick Flyer typ av shape. För sverige hade jag nog kört samma mått fast i en roundnose fish, eftersom att vara quick i svenska förhållanda är ändå kört om man väger 107 kilo.
Kanske t.om. en retro fish, 22+ bred, runt 5'10 lång och 3 tums tjock
#54049 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
SharkBoy skrev:
JohanBTZ skrev:
vad tyckte du om Backdoor`s flyer?? jag har köpt en fast med lite andra mått och lite tunnare i tailen.
i liked mine but would order min med en tunnare tail också
whoa, hela det jg skrev kom inte med här.
Jo, jag tyckte väldigt mycket om Backdoor's flyer. jag tror att Johan, du var med ut i vattnet dem gångerna jag körde den. Sånna brädor anser jag som väldigt bra för sverige, speciellt för på den vågen vi körde, där det lönar sig inte att kör snabb down the line som man hade gjort med en fish. Jag var faktist rätt impad, trots att brädan var en aning större än vad jag hade beställt som custom till mig själv så var den hyfsat manövrerbar. Lite små justeringar ifrån den åt mig, så har jag nog en magisk bräda.
#54050 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 1 |
Difference between a bump-wing hip squash and a swallow tail on a small-medium wave shortboard?
Also, some small wave boards have a wide roundtail, why? As I understand; roundtails are better for drawn out turns and not as snappy as swallows and squash?
#54052 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
freddas skrev:
Difference between a bump-wing hip squash and a swallow tail on a small-medium wave shortboard?
Also, some small wave boards have a wide roundtail, why? As I understand; roundtails are better for drawn out turns and not as snappy as swallows and squash?
let's see, Bump wing hip squash vs swallow tail,and I am taking it that the swallow has no bump?
in each case its too different ways of minimizing the tail area. with the swallow tail, the planing area stays put so you still get the glide but!, with the area cut out of there, it also sinks adding control, it's actually quite a good compromise but to be honest, in a small to medium wave board, you might actually want some of that volume there so that you carry more speed through turns.
bump wing hip squash just means that the tail pulls in where the bump is, to be honest, i don't like this as much (although I just admitted to preferring al merrick flyer type boards that have a really pronounced bump) because the turn zone becomes too specific. The turn takes the shape where that bump is. If that curve is more even, you get a broader turning zone, which I find helpful in a larger variety of surf.
All in all, both types of tail have the same purpose, how they go about achieving it is different and this all comes down to taste. You also might not like the board at first, then start getting used to it, then not liking the other type after a while as well!
As for your last question, you asked about roundtail boards. I got a lot of shit for this on here a few years ago when I said that boards had gone too extreme in the fish department and that a roundtail as would rocker instead of the simple flatter, fatter thicker formula of a few years back. turns out I was right after all mohahaha!
Sometimes planing and glide can actually hurt your performance in small waves because you use the board too much and you suddenly find yourself having trouble needling the pocket for speed. When you can combine both, you get the ultimate projection. So by putting a roundtail on a small wave board (where the rest of the board is a litte flatter, fatter, thicker) you get a board that can hang in the pocket whereas a wider tail couldn't, so you can basically push harder from a deeper position to project you further.
Remember also, that there are also lots of types of small waves. Some small waves require a responsive approach, some a drivey, and some just need a longboard.
Does that help?
#54054 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 9 |
Inlägg: 384
What is your opinion on the Flyer vs Red Beauty as an allround-board, for use both in Sweden and abroad?
I've received several recommendations of going with the Red Beauty, somewhere in the neighboorhood of 6'6'' x 20 1/8 x 2 7/8 (due to lack of Slater-genes and being around 200 pounds in my birthday suit).
If at all possible to translate, what measures would that equal in the Flyer?
Also, would you go for a quad with wide swallow tail, or with the regular tri-fin squash?
Or is my whole reasoning of an allround-board rather useless?
#54055 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
both boards are great all around board, the only type of waves those boards don't excel in is real steep waves, the kind we rarely see here. I think boards liket that are great for both sweden and abroad, due to the thicker rail (thick rails and wider tails are what keep them from not being great barrel boards) you use bigger fins which keeps control in bigger surf, but also gives drive in smaller surf when you surf more off of your fins.
Both the red beauty and the Flyer are pretty much the same board. There are some small differences but the flyer pretty much evolved from the red beauty and has become slightly more performance orientated which means you ride it probably smaller than what you would a red beauty.
Perry, how tall are you ? how much do you weigh ? (you can give me Kilos) and what do your other boards look like? (and what do you like, not like about them?)
AM recommends riding the Flyer 2-3" shorter and a 1/4"-1/2" wider. I have a Spider that is very similar to that and I went 2" shorter and only 1/4" wider and i have to say that it is a much bigger board than my 6'0" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/4"
#54067 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
SharkBoy skrev:
plåtslagarn skrev:
sharkboy, om du hade vägt 30 kilo mer än du väger i dag. vad hade du ändrat på din "sverigebräda"?
mått mm...
being the same height/weight as I am now? that would make me 107 kilos!
I'd probably get an SUP, ( that was a joke.)
30 kilo är ett rätt stor skillnad. Miin sverige bräda skulle nog ändras rätt mycket. Större surfare behöver mycket mer volym per kilo än mindre, i alla fall för mindre vågor.
Just nu vid 77 kilo, är min shortboard (utlandshortboard) 6'0" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/4", skulle jag lägga på 10 kilo skulle jag lägg en hel tum i bräden på min 6'0" och 1/8" - 1/4" på tjockleken. Vid 30 Kilos mer så skulle inte tre tum extra i bredden funka speciellt bra för mig. Jag skulle säkert kör lite längre också. Jag gissar på typ 6'3" x 20" x 2.5 i ett Al Merrick Flyer typ av shape. För sverige hade jag nog kört samma mått fast i en roundnose fish, eftersom att vara quick i svenska förhållanda är ändå kört om man väger 107 kilo.
Kanske t.om. en retro fish, 22+ bred, runt 5'10 lång och 3 tums tjock
det e mitt problem, att jag väger 106 kilo. vad menar du med "eftersom att vara quick i svenska förhållanda är ändå kört om man väger 10 kilo"?
#54068 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
#54069 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 11 |
Inlägg: 1862
ErikG skrev:
Willy skrev:
Maybe I've got this vee-thing all confused. But from back in the day when I used to windsurf vee was a very pronounced double concave. If you laid the board flat it would rest and tilt on the stringer, is this the same thing iwith surfboards?
Man kan ha konkaver även i en v botten, det kallas spiral-v eller spiralkonkaver eller helixkonkaver eller vad man nu önskar kalla det. V-ets plana ytor är då urgröpta givetvis.
Är detta rätt? Uppifrån och ner: spiral-v, double concave och vee.
Bottenformerna är överdrivna för att visa skillnaderna mellan de.
#54070 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
plåtslagarn skrev:
hur lång är du?
För mig hade det varit svårt att vara speciellt kvick om jag vägde 107 kilo (med tänke på att vågorna är ofta rätt småa) . Rätt och slätt så sjunka man mer, men! som sagt, i det här situationen så kan man lägga lite mer in på brädan. är det stockholmstrakten du bruka köra?
#54071 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
Willy skrev:
ErikG skrev:
Willy skrev:
Maybe I've got this vee-thing all confused. But from back in the day when I used to windsurf vee was a very pronounced double concave. If you laid the board flat it would rest and tilt on the stringer, is this the same thing iwith surfboards?
Man kan ha konkaver även i en v botten, det kallas spiral-v eller spiralkonkaver eller helixkonkaver eller vad man nu önskar kalla det. V-ets plana ytor är då urgröpta givetvis.
Är detta rätt? Uppifrån och ner: spiral-v, double concave och vee.
Bottenformerna är överdrivna för att visa skillnaderna mellan de.
looks pretty much right to me
#54074 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
SharkBoy skrev:
plåtslagarn skrev:
hur lång är du?
För mig hade det varit svårt att vara speciellt kvick om jag vägde 107 kilo (med tänke på att vågorna är ofta rätt småa) . Rätt och slätt så sjunka man mer, men! som sagt, i det här situationen så kan man lägga lite mer in på brädan. är det stockholmstrakten du bruka köra?
jag är 1,87m lång. torö är det som gäller. sen när vi ändå håller på så blir nog min nästa resa till indo. vad tycker du jag ska ha då? mycket frågor.. men jag har ingen att jämföra med. dom flesta av mina vänner väger inget så deras rekomendationer är ofta fel gällande brädor för mig.
#54078 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
vad kör du på nu?
ska du satsa på dem bättre vågor i Indo eller dem lite grönare som typ Medewi?
#54080 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
SharkBoy skrev:
vad kör du på nu?
ska du satsa på dem bättre vågor i Indo eller dem lite grönare som typ Medewi?
nu kör jag mest på en Al Merrick Sashimi 6.8 . 21. 3. den är jag rätt nöjd med men vill gå ner till 6.6 tror jag. brädan innan va en 7s 6.3. gilla den inte...
jag ska köra dom bästa vågorna i indo.
#54082 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 9 |
Inlägg: 384
SharkBoy skrev:
both boards are great all around board, the only type of waves those boards don't excel in is real steep waves, the kind we rarely see here. I think boards liket that are great for both sweden and abroad, due to the thicker rail (thick rails and wider tails are what keep them from not being great barrel boards) you use bigger fins which keeps control in bigger surf, but also gives drive in smaller surf when you surf more off of your fins.
Both the red beauty and the Flyer are pretty much the same board. There are some small differences but the flyer pretty much evolved from the red beauty and has become slightly more performance orientated which means you ride it probably smaller than what you would a red beauty.
Perry, how tall are you ? how much do you weigh ? (you can give me Kilos) and what do your other boards look like? (and what do you like, not like about them?)
AM recommends riding the Flyer 2-3" shorter and a 1/4"-1/2" wider. I have a Spider that is very similar to that and I went 2" shorter and only 1/4" wider and i have to say that it is a much bigger board than my 6'0" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/4"
Thanks for spending your time on this!
I'm 187 cm and weigh 90 kg.
Almost the only board I ride nowadays in Sweden is a 7S Super Fish XL, 6'8'' x 21 x 2 ¾.
No mistake, that board is excellent for catching waves.
I have a few problems with that board, besides being a very average svennesurfer:
- I believe the board is rather "nervous" in the water surfing onshore beachbreaks (Torö). When choppy or in whitewater sections, sometimes it's tough to maintain stability and holding the line I want.
- Sometimes I also find myself outrunning the wave or going more down the line than I want instead of finding the right position going vertical.
I am sure a lot of this can be fixed by myself surfing more, acting differently in the water and avoiding bad positioning, but I'am interested in finding out what, if anything, is easier to fix riding a shortboard.
Abroad, for me meaning surfing mostly beachbreaks in France, the 7S works fine until steepness and quickness of the wave reaches a certain point. But that is a no-brainer even for me!
A second board I have is an Infamy Minami 6'10' round nose and round tail (probably about 20 wide and maybe 2 ½ thick, can't remember at this time, mental note to myself to check.). Compared to the 7S, the Infamy allows me to position better in waves as it's very responsive and easy to turn. Here, if I'm in danger of bad positioning on the wave , it's a lot easier to correct in time. Abroad, the low rocker curve limits the board in steeper and quicker waves, but it's good for a few feet more than the 7S and I like the "liveliness" and flow in the Infamy board.
And, I believe my comfort zone in the water starts to end when waves are bigger than HH (not sure, maybe 3-4 ft on your scale?).
Meaning that the board I decide to go for should be able to hold for HH and a half, I guess.
#54084 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
maybe stay at 6'8" but chop off some width for your Indo board typ en halftum och kör med en mycket smalare tail, om du gillar din 6'8" varför vill du gå ner?
#54085 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
perry skrev:
SharkBoy skrev:
both boards are great all around board, the only type of waves those boards don't excel in is real steep waves, the kind we rarely see here. I think boards liket that are great for both sweden and abroad, due to the thicker rail (thick rails and wider tails are what keep them from not being great barrel boards) you use bigger fins which keeps control in bigger surf, but also gives drive in smaller surf when you surf more off of your fins.
Both the red beauty and the Flyer are pretty much the same board. There are some small differences but the flyer pretty much evolved from the red beauty and has become slightly more performance orientated which means you ride it probably smaller than what you would a red beauty.
Perry, how tall are you ? how much do you weigh ? (you can give me Kilos) and what do your other boards look like? (and what do you like, not like about them?)
AM recommends riding the Flyer 2-3" shorter and a 1/4"-1/2" wider. I have a Spider that is very similar to that and I went 2" shorter and only 1/4" wider and i have to say that it is a much bigger board than my 6'0" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/4"
Thanks for spending your time on this!
I'm 187 cm and weigh 90 kg.
Almost the only board I ride nowadays in Sweden is a 7S Super Fish XL, 6'8'' x 21 x 2 ¾.
No mistake, that board is excellent for catching waves.
I have a few problems with that board, besides being a very average svennesurfer:
- I believe the board is rather "nervous" in the water surfing onshore beachbreaks (Torö). When choppy or in whitewater sections, sometimes it's tough to maintain stability and holding the line I want.
- Sometimes I also find myself outrunning the wave or going more down the line than I want instead of finding the right position going vertical.
I am sure a lot of this can be fixed by myself surfing more, acting differently in the water and avoiding bad positioning, but I'am interested in finding out what, if anything, is easier to fix riding a shortboard.
Abroad, for me meaning surfing mostly beachbreaks in France, the 7S works fine until steepness and quickness of the wave reaches a certain point. But that is a no-brainer even for me!
A second board I have is an Infamy Minami 6'10' round nose and round tail (probably about 20 wide and maybe 2 ½ thick, can't remember at this time, mental note to myself to check.). Compared to the 7S, the Infamy allows me to position better in waves as it's very responsive and easy to turn. Here, if I'm in danger of bad positioning on the wave , it's a lot easier to correct in time. Abroad, the low rocker curve limits the board in steeper and quicker waves, but it's good for a few feet more than the 7S and I like the "liveliness" and flow in the Infamy board.
And, I believe my comfort zone in the water starts to end when waves are bigger than HH (not sure, maybe 3-4 ft on your scale?).
Meaning that the board I decide to go for should be able to hold for HH and a half, I guess.
Hey Perry , my last remark was for Plåtslagaren. As for you, I am taking it you are looking for a board for france? You see to already know what works or doesn't in Swedish surf. You sound like you are close to size with Alex el Gordo, he really liked the shape of the AM Red Beauty.
France in the fall has a big variety of breaks, a performance shortboard works in most all of those places except for maybe Cote de Basque.
You don't have to get a performance shortboard scaled to your minimum dimensions, you can ride one a little bigger and still get the benefits of the performance rocker, concaves, and so on.
#54093 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 6 |
SharkBoy skrev:
maybe stay at 6'8" but chop off some width for your Indo board typ en halftum och kör med en mycket smalare tail, om du gillar din 6'8" varför vill du gå ner?
jag vill gå ner för att det kanske är bättre och roligare. tyvär måste man köpa massa brädor för att komma fram till vad man gillar. det är nästan teoretiskt omöjligt jag hade sån tur när jag köpte min 6.8 som jag kör nu att den är optimal för mig, även fast jag tycker den är grym.
#54111 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 10 |
Hey Sharkey what do you reckon about this board? Is it just for going down the line or is it like they say in the at their homepage?
The Pumpkin Seed is the Swiss army knife of surfboards. It blends design elements of a fish with the performance characteristics of a pin tail resulting in maximum versatility. From small, gutless surf to high speed tube riding, this board can handle it all. The wide contemporary nose and relaxed rocker make this board paddle fast and accelerate out of the hole like a jack rabbit on roids. The single to double concave bottom and dynamic rail profile further complement the rail to rail performance and versatility. Essential for any quiver. Team tested and approved. Available in a variety of sizes to accommodate a broad range of rider weights and abilities.
Oh yeah I will mostly use it in abroad!
Cheers it´s friday evning after allB)
#54113 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 8 |
Inlägg: 554
Surfer skrev:
[quote]Hey Sharkey what do you reckon about this board? Is it just for going down the line or is it like they say in the at their homepage?
The Pumpkin Seed is the Swiss army knife of surfboards. It blends design elements of a fish with the performance characteristics of a pin tail resulting in maximum versatility. From small, gutless surf to high speed tube riding, this board can handle it all. The wide contemporary nose and relaxed rocker make this board paddle fast and accelerate out of the hole like a jack rabbit on roids. The single to double concave bottom and dynamic rail profile further complement the rail to rail performance and versatility. Essential for any quiver. Team tested and approved. Available in a variety of sizes to accommodate a broad range of rider weights and abilities.
Oh yeah I will mostly use it in abroad!
Cheers it´s friday evning after allB) [/quote
Mate it sounds like a fark with some hippy chick from the late sixties. Me first thought was Yoko Ono, Or some wierd shit. Probably really fun to ride but will the relationship be long?
#54114 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 8 |
Inlägg: 554
Dr PhilBoy, Should a surfer chase the waves or stay here in the pussy trap?
#54116 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 9 |
Inlägg: 384
SharkBoy skrev:
perry skrev:
SharkBoy skrev:
both boards are great all around board, the only type of waves those boards don't excel in is real steep waves, the kind we rarely see here. I think boards liket that are great for both sweden and abroad, due to the thicker rail (thick rails and wider tails are what keep them from not being great barrel boards) you use bigger fins which keeps control in bigger surf, but also gives drive in smaller surf when you surf more off of your fins.
Both the red beauty and the Flyer are pretty much the same board. There are some small differences but the flyer pretty much evolved from the red beauty and has become slightly more performance orientated which means you ride it probably smaller than what you would a red beauty.
Perry, how tall are you ? how much do you weigh ? (you can give me Kilos) and what do your other boards look like? (and what do you like, not like about them?)
AM recommends riding the Flyer 2-3" shorter and a 1/4"-1/2" wider. I have a Spider that is very similar to that and I went 2" shorter and only 1/4" wider and i have to say that it is a much bigger board than my 6'0" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/4"
Thanks for spending your time on this!
I'm 187 cm and weigh 90 kg.
Almost the only board I ride nowadays in Sweden is a 7S Super Fish XL, 6'8'' x 21 x 2 ¾.
No mistake, that board is excellent for catching waves.
I have a few problems with that board, besides being a very average svennesurfer:
- I believe the board is rather "nervous" in the water surfing onshore beachbreaks (Torö). When choppy or in whitewater sections, sometimes it's tough to maintain stability and holding the line I want.
- Sometimes I also find myself outrunning the wave or going more down the line than I want instead of finding the right position going vertical.
I am sure a lot of this can be fixed by myself surfing more, acting differently in the water and avoiding bad positioning, but I'am interested in finding out what, if anything, is easier to fix riding a shortboard.
Abroad, for me meaning surfing mostly beachbreaks in France, the 7S works fine until steepness and quickness of the wave reaches a certain point. But that is a no-brainer even for me!
A second board I have is an Infamy Minami 6'10' round nose and round tail (probably about 20 wide and maybe 2 ½ thick, can't remember at this time, mental note to myself to check.). Compared to the 7S, the Infamy allows me to position better in waves as it's very responsive and easy to turn. Here, if I'm in danger of bad positioning on the wave , it's a lot easier to correct in time. Abroad, the low rocker curve limits the board in steeper and quicker waves, but it's good for a few feet more than the 7S and I like the "liveliness" and flow in the Infamy board.
And, I believe my comfort zone in the water starts to end when waves are bigger than HH (not sure, maybe 3-4 ft on your scale?).
Meaning that the board I decide to go for should be able to hold for HH and a half, I guess.
Hey Perry , my last remark was for Plåtslagaren. As for you, I am taking it you are looking for a board for france? You see to already know what works or doesn't in Swedish surf. You sound like you are close to size with Alex el Gordo, he really liked the shape of the AM Red Beauty.
France in the fall has a big variety of breaks, a performance shortboard works in most all of those places except for maybe Cote de Basque.
You don't have to get a performance shortboard scaled to your minimum dimensions, you can ride one a little bigger and still get the benefits of the performance rocker, concaves, and so on.
Yep, you're right about France, it's the most frequent destination.
Alex and me are almost twins regarding size, and he likes his Red Beauty A LOT.
I'll be sure to consider your comment on not focusing too much on minimum dimensions.
Thanks once again!
#54120 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
Surfer skrev:
Hey Sharkey what do you reckon about this board? Is it just for going down the line or is it like they say in the at their homepage?
The Pumpkin Seed is the Swiss army knife of surfboards. It blends design elements of a fish with the performance characteristics of a pin tail resulting in maximum versatility. From small, gutless surf to high speed tube riding, this board can handle it all. The wide contemporary nose and relaxed rocker make this board paddle fast and accelerate out of the hole like a jack rabbit on roids. The single to double concave bottom and dynamic rail profile further complement the rail to rail performance and versatility. Essential for any quiver. Team tested and approved. Available in a variety of sizes to accommodate a broad range of rider weights and abilities.
Oh yeah I will mostly use it in abroad!
Cheers it´s friday evning after allB)
I tried one and I liked it a lot actually. The boards are much lighter and smaller than the dims imply. The tail helped it go backside pretty well and let you surf in the pocket a bit more. It comes with pretty small fins though and like I said, the size of it is smaller than the dims suggest but it's a pretty decent board.
#54121 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
Craig skrev:
Dr PhilBoy, Should a surfer chase the waves or stay here in the pussy trap?
a surfer should chase waves, a wanker should stay in the pussy trap and write on surfsverige as much as possible.
surfers need to be aware of the trap, and 48 månaders abonnomanger and realize that it's impossible to rent an apartment here for only 1-3 months
#54127 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 10 |
Bugar och tackar för svaret Sharkey:)
Har tänkt att byta ut min Surftech fish 6.0 mot pumpkin seed 5.10-6.0 då jag inte tycker fishen funkar så bra i Indo!
Cheers and pray for surf soon!
#54130 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 0 |
SharkBoy skrev:
Craig skrev:
Dr PhilBoy, Should a surfer chase the waves or stay here in the pussy trap?
a surfer should chase waves, a wanker should stay in the pussy trap and write on surfsverige as much as possible.
surfers need to be aware of the trap, and 48 månaders abonnomanger and realize that it's impossible to rent an apartment here for only 1-3 months
sounds like Sverre is in the pussy tramp then............
#54131 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 0 |
#54135 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
JohanBTZ skrev:
SharkBoy skrev:
Craig skrev:
Dr PhilBoy, Should a surfer chase the waves or stay here in the pussy trap?
a surfer should chase waves, a wanker should stay in the pussy trap and write on surfsverige as much as possible.
surfers need to be aware of the trap, and 48 månaders abonnomanger and realize that it's impossible to rent an apartment here for only 1-3 months
sounds like Sverre is in the pussy tramp then............
Sverre is the Godfather ...VISA RESPEKT:evil:
#54142 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: -234 |
JohanBTZ skrev:
SharkBoy skrev:
Craig skrev:
Dr PhilBoy, Should a surfer chase the waves or stay here in the pussy trap?
a surfer should chase waves, a wanker should stay in the pussy trap and write on surfsverige as much as possible.
surfers need to be aware of the trap, and 48 månaders abonnomanger and realize that it's impossible to rent an apartment here for only 1-3 months
sounds like Sverre is in the pussy tramp then............
jaha ja...
#54164 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 30 |
any more questions?
teknik frågor?
#54184 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: 0 |
jG KOMMER LÄTT UR POSSITION i min cutback. antingen så hamnar jag för högt och "kliver av vågen" eller så tappar jag all fart och kommer inte tillbaka till curlen.
#54202 |
Svar: Optimalt surfrelaterad tråd 15 år, 7 månader sen |
Stoke: -234 |
JohanBTZ skrev:
jG KOMMER LÄTT UR POSSITION i min cutback. antingen så hamnar jag för högt och "kliver av vågen" eller så tappar jag all fart och kommer inte tillbaka till curlen.
aj aj aj... det här måste vi lösa..
Det låter som att du påbörjar din cutback för sent isåfall. Den ska ju göras från högt på vågen, MEN du måste påbörja den medan du har fart.
Sen är det viktiga att ha en bra linje genom hela! Inte tvärvända, men inte heller för utdragen sväng.
När tajmingen är rätt, dvs, när du har genererat fart så du åkt ifrån vågen måste du direkt påbörja svängen. Vrid huvudet, var du tittar så kommer kroppen följa efter, tänk på att vrida hela axelpartiet runt, håll blicken stadigt mot den del av läppen du siktar på, följ din linje... håll i , och sen när du har riktning emot där du vill träffa, läppen eller strax innan är det bara att vrida tillbaka åt andra hållet, i detta läge är farten minst men din vändning genererar ny fart från läppen eller från vågens face..
Good luck trying it