EPS är ju bra. hade en webber i deras nya EPS konstruktion och den funkade fint.
Små millimeter skillnader spelar självklart roll för Taj också på vilket brädmärke som helst. men som amatör är det inte samma sak.
Surfing magazine interview har en ny shaper varje dag som pratar lite om allt möjligt.
16 olika shapers än så länge.
Detta svarade Rusty Preisendorfer på ena frågan:
Do you feel polyurethane foam/polyester resin will always be the dominant surfboard construction?
Not always. I don't see too many wood tennis racquets around anymorecollector's items mainly. Persimmon drivers, steel bikes, wood airplanes and so on. For the most part, things keep moving along. At some point superior materials and construction techniques will replace most of the PU/PE in the marketplace except for art's sake. Some folks like driving old cars around because they are cool and have some good memories attached. For the most part, the average consumer is concerned with value: good mileage, safety and comfort. Same thing with surfboards: something that has good performance characteristics is durable, and affordable. Short term, there are some riding characteristics of PU/PE that still appeal to some surfers in certain conditions. Classic longboards, big-wave paddle-in equipment. At some point sturdier materials with the "right" feel will take over more of the traditional market. Also, as the years tick by, isocyanate urethane foam along with polyester resins will become increasingly problematic from environmental standards and legislatively unwelcomeeven in other countries.
så XTR och EPS är detsamma?
Valet mellan parabolic stringer och klassisk stringer?