Fråga: Har någon av er någonsin surfat en Sverigespot som har varit crowded?
Med tanke på surfare per capita i det här landet så är risken rätt liten känns det som...
Personligen har jag hellre en liten våg och delar den med ett gäng polare än en stor våg som jag håller hemlig och surfar själv.
pixie skrev: Fråga: Har någon av er någonsin surfat en Sverigespot som har varit crowded?
Med tanke på surfare per capita i det här landet så är risken rätt liten känns det som...
Personligen har jag hellre en liten våg och delar den med ett gäng polare än en stor våg som jag håller hemlig och surfar själv.
Ehh, du måste va rookie. Skulle säga att alla offentliga/semi-offentliga spots i sverige både har och ofta surfas crowded. Även torö är ruggigt crowded under varma perioden.
Men surfa du en liten våg full med folk, så kan ni laga varandra och brädorna efteråt. Själv surfar jag hellre en bra våg med folk som jag vet inte läcker.
pixie skrev: Fråga: Har någon av er någonsin surfat en Sverigespot som har varit crowded?
Med tanke på surfare per capita i det här landet så är risken rätt liten känns det som...
Personligen har jag hellre en liten våg och delar den med ett gäng polare än en stor våg som jag håller hemlig och surfar själv.
i have surfed in about 14 countries, sweden is one of the worst when it comes too crowds.
here is the logic, few surfbreaks, few surf days, a hungry surf population = crowds
that said there are plenty of uncrowded secret spots and plenty undiscovered. But it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be less crowded or that the crowd would spread out more because
#of surfers discovering sweden is > than # of swedish surfers discovering new swedish surf spots
magge skrev: pixie skrev: Fråga: Har någon av er någonsin surfat en Sverigespot som har varit crowded?
Med tanke på surfare per capita i det här landet så är risken rätt liten känns det som...
Personligen har jag hellre en liten våg och delar den med ett gäng polare än en stor våg som jag håller hemlig och surfar själv.
Ehh, du måste va rookie. Skulle säga att alla offentliga/semi-offentliga spots i sverige både har och ofta surfas crowded. Även torö är ruggigt crowded under varma perioden.
Men surfa du en liten våg full med folk, så kan ni laga varandra och brädorna efteråt. Själv surfar jag hellre en bra våg med folk som jag vet inte läcker.
Jag menade att crowded är ett relativt begrepp.
Jag såg nån bild när folk tyckte det var crowded,då var det 18 pers på Torö.
Men jag tänker inte argumentera folks vilja att hålla saker hemliga,bara inte hålla med om den.
Men det handlar ju om inställning till exklusivitet och så.
I have to write in english, sorry. But you are wrong.
It is not so much exclusivity as an attitude, but rather a reward for those who put in the work. Many times people are looking for new spots because the main ones are painfully crowded. Why should their hard work be exploited? What have you done to deserve the information?
They worked for it, they should enjoy the rewards. You work for money, but you wouldn't appreciate someone who didn't just to come up and ask you for some just because they feel entitled?
Why do you feel entitled to FREE knowledge that others have worked for?
I'll admit, I have been shown a few places by friends that I haven't discovered myself, but my respect for their find is shown by only surfing those spots with them, not bringing anyone else etc.
I've said this before, but when you work for something, the reward has worth. Its like a kantarell spot, if one were to be exposed on the internet, all of the kantarell would be plockad and then that spot would lose all it's value now wouldn't it?
Now please, do me a favour and don't confuse this with localism. This is not the same thing. NO one at any secret spot I've surfed here has ever said for another person to leave just because they showed up. Everyone is welcome, but you have to put in the work to find it yourself. The rewards are that much greater if and when you do.
då detta redan urartat bör kanske tråden raderas?
personlig uppfattning: hur mycket man än hatar crowd är man en del av den själv!?
det är allmänt känt att kåsa och torö samt några andra bryt som inte bör nämnas blir rejält crowded under sommaren, 2 alternativ finnes fly landet, eller se till att alla kan vett och etikett så funkar det bra med mycket folk tills en viss gräns!
Det värsta är japanernas "droppainlust" som sitter som en smäck i deras gener sen tusentals år tillbaka. Inte nog med att de kommer till ett spot 60 i taget, de vill till varje pris träffa en med deras bräda. Att Perl Harbour blev anfallet var alltså inget annat en naturens nyck. Arrogato!
Tycker ni är patetiska. Varför är ni så rädda för att outa spots? Dessutom var dessa inte speciellt hemliga ju. Ska kolla med Hugo om han inte kan outa alla skånes spots igen som han gjorde för några år sedan. Ta tex Åsa, Kåsa, Steninge, Skalasand, Mölle, Svartskär, G-love, Tofta med flera. Dessa är ju inte direkt hemliga. Och så crowded är det fortfarande inte eller hur? Och det roligaste är att Sharboy driver en "surf/skate" butik och är rädd för att folk börjar surfa. Det är ju sjukt kul. Tänk om alla som håller på med sport skulle vara lika rädda för att få folk att börja just med det de håller på med. Inte konstigt att Sverige är så dåliga på att surfa då folk blir rädda för att surfa då man inte "får" outa spot, fråga om någon vill med och surfa med en med mera.
hoho jag älskar att detta ämne kan debateras år efter år.....
jag svarar alltid samma sak, jag surfar torö kanske ca 20-25 ggr/år. max fem av de gångerna är det vad som möjligen kan kallas crowded....inte så stort problem.
sen vet jag att det är värre nere i skåne, framförallt eftersom vi ofta snackar points, men i sthlmsregionen lider jag mer eller mindre ALDRIG av crowds.....skönt det och det får gärna fortsätta vara så.
Gudfadern tänker inte kommentera den där sjuka människan än, jag låter skarkboy ta hand om honom själv för att göra slarvsylta av honom. He he he he he ....
SharkBoy skrev: I have to write in english, sorry. But you are wrong.
It is not so much exclusivity as an attitude, but rather a reward for those who put in the work. Many times people are looking for new spots because the main ones are painfully crowded. Why should their hard work be exploited? What have you done to deserve the information?
They worked for it, they should enjoy the rewards. You work for money, but you wouldn't appreciate someone who didn't just to come up and ask you for some just because they feel entitled?
Why do you feel entitled to FREE knowledge that others have worked for?
I'll admit, I have been shown a few places by friends that I haven't discovered myself, but my respect for their find is shown by only surfing those spots with them, not bringing anyone else etc.
I've said this before, but when you work for something, the reward has worth. Its like a kantarell spot, if one were to be exposed on the internet, all of the kantarell would be plockad and then that spot would lose all it's value now wouldn't it?
Now please, do me a favour and don't confuse this with localism. This is not the same thing. NO one at any secret spot I've surfed here has ever said for another person to leave just because they showed up. Everyone is welcome, but you have to put in the work to find it yourself. The rewards are that much greater if and when you do.
I understand the point i just disagree.
That's the way it's been all the time.
This however rises some new opinions.
You found it you said?`Is it yours?
Do you make the swell?
Claiming something you didn't make yourself as yours is one thing; Greedy.
Sure you went on a trip to look it up,see what the ocean had in store.
Same as lot's of people. Some found spots,some didn't but in my opinion we out them all.
Sure,there might be a "crowd". And then there might be another one when you over to their place,surfing the wave that they found.
Of course there are leechers. Always are in every layer of any society.
On the other hand,they don't really get the point of it all.
And yes of course,i'd be happy to tell people about the promising spots i've found out here.
nu verkar det ha glidit iväg så vi diskuterar olika saker..
att inte outa spots är en sak.. på ett sett är det upp till var och en att leta upp surfet. men när man väl hittat det är det inte "ens eget spot" eller "någons våg"
pippo skrev: nu verkar det ha glidit iväg så vi diskuterar olika saker..
att inte outa spots är en sak.. på ett sett är det upp till var och en att leta upp surfet. men när man väl hittat det är det inte "ens eget spot" eller "någons våg"
ingen kan kalla något som havet gör för deras
om det inte är ditt hav kan du ju sluta sälja skiten!!!!
pixie skrev: SharkBoy skrev: I have to write in english, sorry. But you are wrong.
It is not so much exclusivity as an attitude, but rather a reward for those who put in the work. Many times people are looking for new spots because the main ones are painfully crowded. Why should their hard work be exploited? What have you done to deserve the information?
They worked for it, they should enjoy the rewards. You work for money, but you wouldn't appreciate someone who didn't just to come up and ask you for some just because they feel entitled?
Why do you feel entitled to FREE knowledge that others have worked for?
I'll admit, I have been shown a few places by friends that I haven't discovered myself, but my respect for their find is shown by only surfing those spots with them, not bringing anyone else etc.
I've said this before, but when you work for something, the reward has worth. Its like a kantarell spot, if one were to be exposed on the internet, all of the kantarell would be plockad and then that spot would lose all it's value now wouldn't it?
Now please, do me a favour and don't confuse this with localism. This is not the same thing. NO one at any secret spot I've surfed here has ever said for another person to leave just because they showed up. Everyone is welcome, but you have to put in the work to find it yourself. The rewards are that much greater if and when you do.
I understand the point i just disagree.
That's the way it's been all the time.
This however rises some new opinions.
You found it you said?`Is it yours?
Do you make the swell?
Claiming something you didn't make yourself as yours is one thing; Greedy.
Sure you went on a trip to look it up,see what the ocean had in store.
Same as lot's of people. Some found spots,some didn't but in my opinion we out them all.
Sure,there might be a "crowd". And then there might be another one when you over to their place,surfing the wave that they found.
Of course there are leechers. Always are in every layer of any society.
On the other hand,they don't really get the point of it all.
And yes of course,i'd be happy to tell people about the promising spots i've found out here.
Så talar en person som inte har fattat surfing överhuvudtaget. NOLL KOLL!
Ett tips är istället att börja i någon naturförening kanske ornitiologi, du kan specialisera dig på sjöfåglar. Så kan ni ha med kaffe o mackor o fika lite o snacka som ett härligt kamratgäng.
En fiskare vill inte ha ett fotbollslag med sig som står o tjoar runt älven, det är naturupplevelsen, spänningen etc etc som gäller. En svampplockare vill inte gå i ett gäng på 20 pers också när någon hittar ett ställe ropar han så springer alla dit o plockar som fan, en surfare vill inte åka o surfa med massa andra personer. Ni som vill det är INGA SURFARE, ni är ute efter kamratskap. FÖR FAAAN lämna surfingen i fred ( det råkar vara trendigt just nu) gå över till Lunarstorm eller vad fan ni vill, eller varför inte börja spela paintball istället, då behövs lite fler folk. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSERS!!!
Claiming something you didn't make yourself as yours is one thing; Greedy."
You are going off on a tangent there buddy, I didn't ever say I claimed the place, in fact, I said the opposite, everyone has the right to the waves.
It's the information and the work that goes into finding that information that should be respected if someone does or doesn't want to share it. Greedy, maybe but I am there to surf, if I wanted to socialize, I'd go to avenyn.
Also, I don't see how you can preach ideals when you write 'Hasse said it' which was basically more slander than an argument, not one point he argued can he back up there
As for Hasse, what is your deal?
I write and back up an argument and you write insults back? You also write about me running a shop (which isn't true either, haven't been there in a long time) Why would you do that? I wouldn't write personal shit about you on an open internet forum.
If you disagree, offer an argument, don't throw out insults.
I am guessing that a) you misread what I wrote or b) you are trying to start some shit.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Claiming something you didn't make yourself as yours is one thing; Greedy."
You are going off on a tangent there buddy, I didn't ever say I claimed the place, in fact, I said the opposite, everyone has the right to the waves.
It's the information and the work that goes into finding that information that should be respected if someone does or doesn't want to share it. Greedy, maybe but I am there to surf, if I wanted to socialize, I'd go to avenyn.
Also, I don't see how you can preach ideals when you write 'Hasse said it' which was basically more slander than an argument, not one point he argued can he back up there
As for Hasse, what is your deal?
I write and back up an argument and you write insults back? You also write about me running a shop (which isn't true either, haven't been there in a long time) Why would you do that? I wouldn't write personal shit about you on an open internet forum.
If you disagree, offer an argument, don't throw out insults.
I am guessing that a) you misread what I wrote or b) you are trying to start some shit.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Actually i didn't say that.
Anyhow,this is just hitting a wall. From both directions.
Fact is that peps will think differently and value what surf is in a equally different way.
But if you read my post i hinted that what goes around comes around. If you share your spots,people will share yours with them. Hopefully,again,there's always assholes.
But yea,i got that your not interested in socialising
Claiming something you didn't make yourself as yours is one thing; Greedy."
You are going off on a tangent there buddy, I didn't ever say I claimed the place, in fact, I said the opposite, everyone has the right to the waves.
It's the information and the work that goes into finding that information that should be respected if someone does or doesn't want to share it. Greedy, maybe but I am there to surf, if I wanted to socialize, I'd go to avenyn.
Also, I don't see how you can preach ideals when you write 'Hasse said it' which was basically more slander than an argument, not one point he argued can he back up there
As for Hasse, what is your deal?
I write and back up an argument and you write insults back? You also write about me running a shop (which isn't true either, haven't been there in a long time) Why would you do that? I wouldn't write personal shit about you on an open internet forum.
If you disagree, offer an argument, don't throw out insults.
I am guessing that a) you misread what I wrote or b) you are trying to start some shit.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Actually i didn't say that.
Anyhow,this is just hitting a wall. From both directions.
Fact is that peps will think differently and value what surf is in a equally different way.
But if you read my post i hinted that what goes around comes around. If you share your spots,people will share yours with them. Hopefully,again,there's always assholes.
But yea,i got that your not interested in socialising
Du har fortfarande inte fattat!!! " if you share your spots, people will share yours with them"
DET FUNKAR INTE SÅ I SURFING !!!!!! INTE I SVAMPPLOCKNING HELLER!!! Om den senare liknelsen möjligen gör det lättare för dig att fatta???
Jag delar med mig så kan ju de som känner att det är värt att returnera tjänsten göra det,de andra kan snylta.
Då gör jag min halva av det som är värt för mig. Sen skiter jag i resten,jag kan inte tvinga någon att tycka på ett visst sätt.
pixie skrev: SharkBoy skrev: I have to write in english, sorry. But you are wrong.
It is not so much exclusivity as an attitude, but rather a reward for those who put in the work. Many times people are looking for new spots because the main ones are painfully crowded. Why should their hard work be exploited? What have you done to deserve the information?
They worked for it, they should enjoy the rewards. You work for money, but you wouldn't appreciate someone who didn't just to come up and ask you for some just because they feel entitled?
Why do you feel entitled to FREE knowledge that others have worked for?
I'll admit, I have been shown a few places by friends that I haven't discovered myself, but my respect for their find is shown by only surfing those spots with them, not bringing anyone else etc.
I've said this before, but when you work for something, the reward has worth. Its like a kantarell spot, if one were to be exposed on the internet, all of the kantarell would be plockad and then that spot would lose all it's value now wouldn't it?
Now please, do me a favour and don't confuse this with localism. This is not the same thing. NO one at any secret spot I've surfed here has ever said for another person to leave just because they showed up. Everyone is welcome, but you have to put in the work to find it yourself. The rewards are that much greater if and when you do.
I understand the point i just disagree.
That's the way it's been all the time.
This however rises some new opinions.
Sure you went on a trip to look it up,see what the ocean had in store.
Same as lot's of people. Some found spots,some didn't but in my opinion we out them all.
Sure,there might be a "crowd". And then there might be another one when you over to their place,surfing the wave that they found.
Of course there are leechers. Always are in every layer of any society.
On the other hand,they don't really get the point of it all.
And yes of course,i'd be happy to tell people about the promising spots i've found out here.
yes you did write it their, and you made an assumption about me that wasn't true. I have now for the third time , written that I don't claim a spot or it;s waves. I might not even have a secret spot, I might just respect someone else wanting to keep a spot secret.
Making assumptions about people you know nothing about isn't the brightest thing to do
sorry man that wasn't my intention.
To me it seems the point of forums is discussing things.
That's why i'm still going on debating why spots should be secret or not.
But again,this is just my veiw on it.
Of course people can keep things secret, i just don't see the point in it even though i respect it.
pixie skrev: sorry man that wasn't my intention.
To me it seems the point of forums is discussing things.
That's why i'm still going on debating why spots should be secret or not.
But again,this is just my veiw on it.
Of course people can keep things secret, i just don't see the point in it even though i respect it.
I find this odd that you are the one saying this, I have offered what I consider valid points, and you write that Hasse said it, with few valid points and many personal attacks. And you are continually and probably purposely disagreeing without taking any of what i am saying in. If you are going to discuss, you have to listen to the other as well
Anyways,i'm dropping it for now.
I will always disagree with people going for exlusivity and/or the notion that you belong to some choosen few with the right to do whatever.
Here directed at people in general as a general comment,not on you or anyone else Sharkboy.
Just to make sure you don't get offended.
and I will disagree with you because I never said anything about it implying ownership now for the fourth time.
with your logic, I could steal from you and just say, hey stop being so exclusive man. and you are wrong when you said chosen few, the people that find spots and surf them without advertising aren't chosen, they are simply energetic and resourceful, they could be anyone!
As for Hasse, he called everyone who think a certain way pathetic and then tried to make a personal joke out of me and where I work.
I don't know what he does, he could be stripper at a gay bar for all I know, but even if he was I wouldn't have brought it up in the debate because it's not what we are talking about.
Sharkboy: I think is so funnie you sell surfboards and surf things in the shop but you dont like to tell people where they will use it. It´s like to sell cars and keep the keys Or did i miss something right now?
SharkBoy skrev: and I will disagree with you because I never said anything about it implying ownership now for the fourth time.
with your logic, I could steal from you and just say, hey stop being so exclusive man. and you are wrong when you said chosen few, the people that find spots and surf them without advertising aren't chosen, they are simply energetic and resourceful, they could be anyone!
As for Hasse, he called everyone who think a certain way pathetic and then tried to make a personal joke out of me and where I work.
I don't know what he does, he could be stripper at a gay bar for all I know, but even if he was I wouldn't have brought it up in the debate because it's not what we are talking about.
It was wrong of him to do that.
No,if you stole from me you'd steal something that was mine.
And you said yourself that you don't claim the waves as yours.
sorry,can't help it,love to argue.
whatever people say will have to stand for them so i don't give a rats ass about Hasses and your's differences.
Hasse skrev: Sharkboy: I think is so funnie you sell surfboards and surf things in the shop but you dont like to tell people where they will use it. It´s like to sell cars and keep the keys Or did i miss something right now?
maybe just the fact that I don't sell surfboards...? could that be it? mmmhhhhh
you ought to read more thoroughly, and once again I don't appreciate you writing about what I do on this forum. You are wrong to do that.