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Rent board in El Palmar
#111985 Rent board in El Palmar 8 år, 4 månader sen Stoke: 4

Inlägg: 56

Anyone who knows whether it is possible to rent surfboards in El Palmar, Spain??
I'm not interested in a foamy, but a fishy/shortboard style.

Thanks, Jacob
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#111999 Svar: Rent board in El Palmar 8 år, 3 månader sen Stoke: 0

Inlägg: 1

Yes you will be abel to rent a shortboard there. hope your lucky with conditions... if there are no waves drive to sagres portugal 4h. its well worth the drive. and if your crazy to get wett you can drive the distance in a day both ways. if you sit in the car at 5.00 in the morning you will be in sagres around 9. smurf all day and return around 20.00 back in cadiz around 12. peace
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